This research project has been conceived and is being run by Kimberly Noronha. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, all images, videos, and material on this website must be attributed to Kimberly Noronha under the following Creative Commons License.


The women in this research project have contributed their photographs, videos, and reflections to this project. Should you choose to quote or use these, please attribute those women in your acknowledgement of the use of their material under the following Creative Commons License.

Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivitaves 4.0 International

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See “What this license means” in the section below. This is not the full license. Click here to read the full license. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have questions about how to use the material on this website in your own work.


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CC: Creative Commons License

Creative Commons is a not-for-profit organisation that helps create free, copyright licenses to give permission to share and use creative work. This website use the creative commons license described above.

BY: Unless otherwise explicitly stated, credit must be given to Kimberly Noronha. When the names of participants are clearly attributed to text or media, credit must be given to the participants themselves.

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